My SRM has been telling me I'm one of the fastest ladies on a mountain bike recently so I've been on a quest to discover where this wackiness is coming from, 'cause it probably isn't my legs. I've waded through the SRM manual a few times which is a weird experience as it is translated from German. I had to learn how to calibrate my SRM and check the accuracy of my Power-Taps. All checked out to be healthy - SO maybe I am that fast. BUT Dave compared his White Rim files with mine and said no things are wacko - SO maybe I'm not that fast.
Hmmm. I put both PM's on my Scalpel and rode the trainer to get the real answer on whether the SRM is reading high.

Comparing PT and SRM power files side by side was not easy, power was all over the place. The trainer only told me I had to change the SRM sampling from 3 sec to 1 sec to match the PT.
Next step was to actually ride out on the trails. My Scalpel has no V-brake mounts and PT no disc rotor mounts so this meant no rear brakes. That turned out to be fun in a sick kind of way.

I don't have a solid conclusion yet as power was all over the place but with the help of some folks a lot smarter than myself the SRM looks to average about 11 watts higher than the PT off-road.
Oh, and the desert weather is back to normal again. 65F and sunny when I rode yesterday :-)