Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Kidneys perform paramount function in the human body. They filter the blood and excrete excess fluid, thus relieving some of the tissue from unnecessary substances and preventing the formation of edema. They are also involved in the metabolism, involving the production of hormones and maintain the balance of certain substances in the body. It becomes obvious that kidney disease lasix contraindications can lead to a variety of very serious violations in many organs and systems. The main danger lies in the fact that kidney disease is difficult to suspect at once, and, as is well known, timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. Pain or discomfort in the lumbar region is often blamed on the musculoskeletal system. Interestingly, frequent kidney disease are not medicine something new. Even in the writings of physicians of ancient China were described frequent weak kidneys. As you can see, the problem is not new.

Why there are irregularities in the kidneys? What are the symptoms you might guess, it's time to go to a nephrologist? How to prevent irreversible changes? These are the questions we try to answer.

Kidney Disease: Symptoms and Causes

Kidney disease whose symptoms are easily confused with other illnesses, in fact easily diagnosed using modern methods. Ultrasound, blood tests, medical examination is required to help identify any violations. The main thing - not to delay the visit to the clinic. Worst of all are treated the running of kidney disease. Symptoms, which should pay attention - this is a nagging, dull pain in the lumbar region, sometimes extending to the abdomen, frequent urination, swelling. If kidney palpation palpable, it is indicative of their increasing and severe inflammation. Signs of kidney disease is actually very eloquent, but many make the same mistake - ignore them, trying to self-medicate. Remember: a course of antibiotics that you advise your pharmacist or a neighbor, not a treatment. So you can only get new problems and aggravate kidney disease. Symptoms that indicate the need for immediate treatment to the doctor - a fever, severe pain, difficulty urinating, or lack thereof, blood in the urine. These symptoms of kidney disease indicate an acute inflammatory process and may lead to irreversible consequences. To avoid this, you need to know what factors influence the development of disorders in the kidneys, which can cause a disease such dangerous.

One of the most important reasons is promiscuous and lack of protection. Infections, sexually transmitted infections, affect the genitourinary system and cause inflammation of the kidneys. A similar effect have frequent colds, hypothermia. Wrong eating habits are also a common cause of kidney disease. Junk food, fast food, sweet drinks based sweeteners and dyes - the enemies of kidney health. Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, uncontrolled intake of various medications adversely affect the entire body, and the kidneys are no exception. One should not forget about the bad heredity. Many kidney diseases are transmitted from parents to children.

It should also be mentioned that often from kidney diseases and disorders in their work affects pregnant women, especially during late pregnancy. The fact is that in the third trimester, the expectant mother a kidney to literally work for two. It often happens that they can not cope with this load, so pregnant women suffer from edema. It may develop a condition called preeclampsia or toxemia of late pregnancy. It is manifested by edema of the face and limbs, high blood pressure, proteinuria (protein in the urine). To avoid this, the expectant mother should carefully monitor their health and well-being, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, move a lot, walk, seen in the antenatal clinic and the time to do all the tests.

Kidney Disease in children

Unfortunately, kidney disease is not uncommon in children. This stems from the bad environment, hereditary factors, infections, forced medications. Parents should closely monitor the health of their babies. Kidney disease in children of school age and older are manifested in the same way as in adults, but the children of the first year of life and preschoolers should be under scrutiny relatives. Need to see a doctor if your child first year of life found wanton increase in stomach size, if you change the color and smell of urine, if the baby is crying no explainable reasons. Children older than one year can already complain of pain or feeling unwell, so you should seriously consider if your child complains of back pain, if you change the frequency of urination. Also, children may be afraid to go to the toilet when urinating was painful. Periodic fever with no other symptoms may also indicate kidney disease in children. If you notice any alarming symptom with your child, do not hesitate to consult a doctor and hand over analyzes. In this case, care will never be excessive.

Diet for kidney disease

Experienced doctors know that many diseases can be cured, if not, then to facilitate and accelerate the healing process with the help of proper nutrition. The diet in renal disease would help reduce the load on them by limiting the heavy and harmful components such as fat, salt and spices. Divide all the food is better at small portions and take it 4-5 times a day.

Meals should include foods rich in calcium, especially milk and milk products. Also, there should be a meal, which has a diuretic effect - cucumbers, apples, beets, pumpkin, lettuce. Diet for kidney disease involves limiting your salt intake to 4 grams per day. Water should drink no more than 1.5 - 2 liters, in order not to provoke the swelling.

Diet for kidney disease imposes a definitive ban on the greasy, spicy, salty, smoked, fried foods, fast food, prepared food, mushrooms, seasonings. Strong tea, coffee, chocolate, sweets, too, should be excluded.

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