
Inflammation of the bladder

Inflammation of the bladder - it is a painful disease, since it is very patient experiencing the unpleasant symptoms. But this is not everything that can happen to you. Do not forget that you have a sore inside of the body, which means that the situation could become worse: for example, the disease goes up Therefore, those who are sick with the disease as soon as feel the first symptoms, should immediately go to the doctor.

According to statistics, women suffer similar illnesses more often. The fact that we have a different structure of organisms. So, in the female body structure urethral contributes to the delay of different infections.

It causes inflammation of the bladder

The cause of inflammation of the bladder infection happens most often -.. Aureus, E. coli, etc., all this can fall either outside or, on the contrary, from the inside - for example, from the kidneys. It all depends on your lifestyle.

But still, why do you support? After initially bladder anyone sufficiently stable so as not to be exposed to various infections, it is covered for this special mucosa.

Here are some of the causes of inflammation of the bladder: due to the fact that you spent a long time in the cold for a long time sitting on a diet that you wore out great, as well as chronic stress and extreme fatigue. The disease begins when you are already struggling to go to the toilet and having unpleasant feelings.

Also, this disease can appear when there are different kinds of damage inside. Damage can be applied, such as stones, which may be present in the bladder, and chemical (these may include and drugs), when properly conducted surgery or burns of various kinds.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the bladder

Acute inflammation. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it begins suddenly, after you have frozen. Symptoms of inflammation of the bladder is a frequent trips to the toilet, and the urine does not come out until the end, you really hurt, and even with a strong urge to pee out small droplets, the toilet you almost do not leave. There may be just a lower abdominal pain and a burning sensation. If you take a urine test, the sign that you are sick, it will serve as a very large number of white blood cells. The danger is that these symptoms can also end suddenly as it began. This can happen in just a couple of days, even without treatment. If after a week your condition did not improve, so it was not just in this disease - for example, may be prostate adenoma.

Chronic inflammation. This is very dangerous, because chronic inflammation may start due to the fact that you are properly treat inflammation, as well as due to late treatment. It would be understandable if held a month or less and you all will begin anew. Also, chronic inflammation may never end, you can hurt them, incessantly.

Complications inflammation of the bladder

This was discussed a little earlier. Complications make chronic disease. It is also a complication lies in the fact that it is primarily an infection and thus inflammation can go either above or below the strike and other organs - such as the kidneys and liver as well as the bladder is directly connected with them. If this happens, then you will, in addition to pain during urination, and even temperature.

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