I spent this weekend paying the fatigue penalty that came along with running my TSB down to -108 and CTL up to 143. There is no reason this should have surprised me - but it did. I fall into all the self coaching pitfalls. I made the wise call to skip KMC which turned into an Epicfest with only 2 finishers. A hot Epic was not what my legs needed. No legs doesn't mean no fun tho'.
I spent the weekend tinkering around with my new GPS toy. It does many things. I laid down a track of the 36 mile Virgin River Rim single track, followed a route I'd uploaded around Navajo Lake and we went geocaching. The kids loved geocaching.
The first cache was a few minutes hike into the woods from the campground. Wesley took charge.
Bro it's this way
Score! The kids were sooo excited to find it.
Next one we paddled to.
Score Two!
When you find the cache you take something out and leave something behind. Here is Emma modeling the necklace and headband she chose.
Wesley chose a screwdriver and a box of matches! Funny stuff.
Sunset on Navajo Lake. This is one of my fav summer places.