It's been a month since 24-hours in the Old Pueblo and I've had a month off training. I love peaking for an event but coming down the backside of a peak is an ugly process I don't enjoy so much. It was a month full of things that were not too conducive to training anyway - snowstorms, the flu and a vacation. Today I was back in training mode, the weather was back in spring mode and it felt ooh so good. I was riding in shorts and a jersey again - 74F
This is my neighbours tree today and for some odd reason it is not sending my allergies haywire this year. I don't know why. Usually I am a sniveling, red eyed moan in the spring. Other than my little flu episode last week I am feeling better this spring than I have in years. I got four gold stars yesterday at my annual endocrinologist check-up. My Dr said I have the health of a 16 year-old :-) I have to see him every so often as I don't have a thyroid gland - he keeps my hormones in check.
Starting back after a long race the thing I lack the most is top end, so that is where I start re-building. Today was 12 X 30 second max efforts. Not the best power I have ever produced today but darn close - actually the second best ever which is amazing after a 24-hour endurance peak and a month off. All that single speed riding must have done something for me.
Stats: Pn - 206watts. Interval averages 380, 362, 357, 363, 376, 379, 383, 389, 379, 399, 401, 390w.
Weight is down to 107 lbs and motivation is climbing out of the hole. Feelin' springy...