...as in no control. And no power meter. Ain't the "off season" grand?
This weekend there's a big group doing the White Rim. I was going to join them but when I realized it would mean 15 hours of driving and 8 hours of riding that just seemed out of balance. Besides that, I'm gripped by an increasing passion for designing the perfect MTB route traversing southern Utah. So...I've got a ~ 120 mile route through the outback planned for the weekend. 3 hours driving and 16 on the bike, much better balance, eh?
After last weekends sand exploits I've got 2 of the widest tires I could find for 29ers on the way, the WTB Weirwolf 2.55s, and I'm not afraid to run < 10 psi either on my swanky MC built stans rims.. Didn't figure that one out last weekend until the last few miles when some 4x passed me with super soft tires. Duh!
Where am I going? I'll be checking out the Grand Staircase (and no, not one of those routes. Those are far too civilized.). Right now it's just mesmerizing names on a map - White Cliffs, Vermillion Cliffs, Skutumpah Terrace, Pink Cliffs, Bryce Canyon - sounds colorful and vertical. I think I'm seeing why it's called a staircase.
Have you checked out Camp Lynda? Big desert rides on tap, be sure to toss your suggestions up on her blog if interested. I've got a monster loop planned to cap the camp. It's the first part of this route I'm cooking up. If you're nice and not stinky you might even find floorspace in my house during the camp;)