Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder is a distinct illness with peculiar symptoms. Two of the most common anxiety disorders are adaptive disorder with anxious mood, and generalized anxiety disorder. With adaptive disorder of excessive anxiety or other emotional reactions developed in conjunction with the difficulties of adaptation to a particular stressful situation. In generalized anxiety disorder, excessive alarm is saved permanently and is directed onto the set of life circumstances. Excessive anxiety, tension and fear experienced by people with anxiety disorders, and may be accompanied by physical ailments, such as "nervous stomach", shortness of breath and heart palpitations. For many people, along with anxiety disorders buy xanax online, depressive disorders are.

Anxiety is an integral part of our lives. From time to time, almost all of us feel it. Usually anxiety arises as a temporary reaction to situational stress of everyday life. The presence of anxiety disorder, we can assume in cases where anxiety becomes so strong that it deprives a person of the ability to rebuild their lives and activities.

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

There are many psychological and biological theories to explain the causes of anxiety disorders.

Psychological theory. Psychoanalytic theory views anxiety as a signal of the emergence of unacceptable, taboo needs, or pulse (violent or sexual) that encourage individual unconsciously prevent their expression. Symptoms of anxiety are treated as incomplete suppression ( "crowding out") an unacceptable demand.

With behaviorism position, anxiety and, in particular phobia initially appear as a conditioned reflex reaction to painful or frightening stimuli. Later alarming reaction can occur without stimulus.

Later appeared cognitive psychology focuses on erroneous and distorted mental images, preceding the appearance of symptoms of anxiety. For example, a patient with panic disorder may be an exaggerated response to normal bodily sensations (such as slight dizziness or palpitations), which leads to increased fear and anxiety of growing up to a panic attack.

Biological theories treat anxiety disorders as a consequence of biological abnormalities linking them, in particular, with a noticeable increase in neurotransmitter production.

For many anxiety symptoms may respond so-called blue spot located in the brain stem. Electrical stimulation of this area causes a significant fear and anxiety. Medications such yohimbine, increasing the activity of locus coeruleus, increase anxiety, and drugs that reduce its activity (benzodiazepines, propranolol and clonidine) have anti-anxiety effect.

Many patients with panic disorder are extremely sensitive to barely noticeable increase in carbon dioxide in the air.

In the traditional taxonomy of domestic anxiety disorders are a group of neurotic (functional) disorders (neuroses), ie due to psychogenic disease states characterized by partial and egosyntonic and egodystonic diverse clinical symptoms, awareness of the disease and the lack of self-awareness changes.

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